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November 17, 2023
Supreme Voxels
For my boardgame to watch I checked out Bonsai! It was mostly just a colorful and cool atmosphere card game but one thing I really took from it was its art design. I tried to watch the video thinking...
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November 10, 2023
Supreme Voxels
This week's class was very much chill, we got to hang out and play some established disney board games but it was a good way to sort of begin to understand what we were beginning to work towards with...
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week 9
October 27, 2023
Supreme Voxels
This week in class we hit the ground running with our Battle Battle projects and for me personally its been a very humbling experience as a designer and creative in general. I've really struggled with...
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Week 7
October 13, 2023
Supreme Voxels
The best way I think I can relate this week's classes to the reading is by talking about the prototyping journey. We started this week with a deck of cards that had some plus 2 numbers written on them...
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week 6 readings
October 06, 2023
Supreme Voxels
For this week in class we set out finally building our first real and big games. For us a card game all about traveling on a tour bus. And for me, one of the first times i've really interacted with a...
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week 5 readings
September 29, 2023
Supreme Voxels
This week we played a lot and honestly it was very enriching as someone who is so new to board games. Something I found funny was the vast barrier of play between the two games we played this week and...
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Week 3 Readings
September 15, 2023
Supreme Voxels
This week's main idea was all about translation. Specifically the art of translating a sport, to a board game. For me when I searched out odd sports the first to come jump out at me was a game called...
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Week 2 readings
September 08, 2023
Supreme Voxels
For week 2 we dove into a lot of information within our chapters and got to apply some of it to our game design within the class. For me, it was most prominent when we were playing the board game "Up...
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